Landmark victory against VOA in upper chamber (VT) with cost order of £100 an hr worked.
November 2008 – January 2011
Rateable value for the subject with billing authority reference 5712937 was £7800 (during 2005-
Sam Vs. HMRC
March 2012 – October 2012
This was successfully mitigated without any additional payout of any sort in the end. The queries went as back as the year 2004. The whole negotiation process involved employments, cafes businesses, commercial and residential properties, raising deposits, directorship in other companies and particularly accounting policies applied to produce P&L/BS (treatment of depreciation and amortization etc). The case reference was CFSS-
VAT Tribunal for construction VAT
Project URL: Case reference: TC/2012/07473,
Parties Gurpreet Singh Bhachu and THE COMMISSIONERS FOR HER MAJESTY’S REVENUE & CUSTOMS sat in public at Bedford Square WC1B on 28 May 2013. The case was on whether full or reduced rate should be charged on a construction work on an eligible dwelling. This case in now on 'Review'...” It was a pro bono case.
Employment Tribunal
Case reference: ET Case No: 3302896 / 2010 - Mr. F Ahmed Vs Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd. Heard at Watford before three Judges on 18th January 2011
The applicant was dismissed over a compliance matter after 7 years of dutiful permanent service. I tried to mitigate through ACAS London. Later I launched a suit at the ET, which took full 6 months in writing/receiving letters and sending documents. The employer threatened me with £10k cost suit. But I full steamed ahead because I felt the judge’s understanding on this case and he was sympathetic toward my clients plight. But, unfortunately, the judge with whom I was corresponding for last 6 months was not at the court on the hearing. I was informed the change of Judge about 15 minutes before the court sat. Pizza Hut did not bring the floor manager (the immediate line manager of the applicant) to testify, instead brought a shed load of senior office managers in the court those, those I called for inadmissibility (overruled). I lost the case after a full day hearing and the judgement was, "The claimant was not Unfairly dismissed by the reason of conduct". Well, regardless whether a proper justice was done, I did my duty valiantly as the applicant's representative.” It was a pro-bono case
Project URL: Search criteria: PSV Operator and UB7 7BT
Commissioner of Transport London Vs. Middlesex Minibus Services Ltd It took me nearly 2 years but finally I won my client a license to operate a 'Bus Company' in the UK and whole Europe. It was very difficult but the in end the department gave in. The appointed 'Transport Manager' had a very critical past which made this case very complex. I earned £6.5k fee from it. I hope this company does very well in the future..”
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